var ajax_queue = new Array(); var ajax_current_record = new Array(); var ajax_queue_state = 0; //keeps a lock var ajax_http; //http obj document.messageHeaders = new Array(); //storage function ajax_addToQueue(url,callback){ tmpVar = new Array(url,callback); if (log){ log("adding to queue.. " + tmpVar); } ajax_queue.push(tmpVar); } function ajax_pollQueue(){ //poll the queue for items setTimeout("ajax_pollQueue();",500); if (ajax_queue_state == 0){ //ready //remove an item if (ajax_queue.length > 0){ ajax_queue_state = 1; ajax_current_record = ajax_queue[ajax_queue.length-1]; ajax_queue.pop(); ajax_http = window.ActiveXObject ? new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP") : new XMLHttpRequest(); ; //xmlhttprequest obj if (log){ log("calling url " + ajax_current_record[0]); } ajax_http.onreadystatechange = ajax_callbackFromQueue;"GET", ajax_current_record[0], true); ajax_http.send(true); if (log){ log("call made, awaiting callback"); } }else{ //log("no items in the poll queue"); } }else{ if (log){ log('Poll Queue says something else is already processing'); } } } function ajax_callbackFromQueue(){ //check and call if (typeof(ajax_http) == 'object'){ if (log){ log("got callback from queue, readystate = " + ajax_http.readyState); } if (ajax_http.readyState == 4){ ajax_queue_state = 0; ajax_response = ajax_http.responseText; log("calling " +ajax_current_record[1]); eval("" + ajax_current_record[1]); } } } setTimeout("ajax_pollQueue();",500); setTimeout("ajax_callbackFromQueue()",1000);